Rugged phones market to grow

8 January 2019

Rugged phones market to grow in 2019.

In today’s super-connected world, mobile technology is essential for many workers. For those operating in challenging environments, however, an ordinary smartphone or tablet may not be up to the job. That’s why rugged devices are becoming standard kit for everyone from paramedics to power engineers.Rugged devices have traditionally been seen as something of a niche product, but recent research points to significant potential in this growing market sector. A five-year market forecast from CCS Insights predicts that worldwide shipments of rugged devices will more than double to 59 million units by 2021. The Global Rugged Devices Market 2018-2022 report from TechNavio forecasts a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over six per cent, while IDC believes the market for Android-based rugged devices could grow at nearly four times that rate.As more and more field workers have become dependent on handheld devices, the issue of device damage has become a hot topic. From a simple drop on the floor to water damage or contamination with substances such as sand or chemicals, companies can face substantial costs, not just in terms of repairs or replacement, but also in lost productivity. A 2016 IDC survey found that employees lost an average of around four working hours due to tablet repairs and six hours due to handheld device repairs.A growing customer baseIt’s not just the usual suspects, such as utilities, public safety and construction workers, who are benefitting from the increased durability of rugged mobile technology. Even in environments that are not strictly ‘harsh’ or ‘hazardous’, rugged devices can be a smart, cost-effective choice, for example, in busy warehouses, retail environments or operations centres, where efficiency and productivity are mission-critical.Of course, resistance to the elements and durability are not the only reasons for choosing a rugged smartphone or tablet. These devices are also designed to handle being accidentally drop.

We supply all the best rugged devices in the UK Market and have been doing for many years and understand every user is different so if you would like to know more about which best rugged device would suit your needs give us a call on 01327311730.

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